We debated which of the two video assets Activision recently sent us for Tony Hawk: Ride should go a the top of the post, and which should be relegated to the unfavorable, post-jump real estate. The in-game trailer is pretty slick, and features that super catchy We Are Scientists jam. (You know the one, you hip guy, you.) However, the gameplay demonstration
actually shows the peripheral being used to go on a "sick run,"
apparently part of a long-standing feud between Activision and Robomodo.
We decided to put the "sick run" at the top of the post, if only because we want you to know that this is exactly how we looked the first time we played the game at E3.
Only we didn't crash quite so much, and also, when we finished playing,
Tony Hawk himself came up and gave us a high-five with one of his giant
hands. Check out the video above, then click past the jump to check out
its neglected (but catchy!) brother.